Ramapo River post Irene

Like visiting an old friend whose changed a lot….probably don’t need to tell any North Jersey Paddles that Irene made some changes. The old broken dam south of Suffern has a bad sweeper in the fast water. It is viable from the approach. I … Read more and see pictures
Wallkill River Saturday Sept. 17th with HRCKC

Saturday the 17th promised to be a beautiful day, so despite Martin’s warnings seven of us showed up at the Sussex Queen diner. In Martin’s words “it’s high but ok. but with probable carrying/climbing/dragging over blowdowns and strainers – may … Read more and see pictures
Paramus 20 Northern Valley Old Tappan 16 HS Football

Exciting…I know I shouldn’t admit it, but this was a great game…certainly the most exciting I have ever been at. Not the Giant’s 2007 Superbowl victory (the most exciting game I ever saw), not pro over even college sports, but … Read more and see pictures
Irene in Vermont

Visited Vermont and also saw some destruction and good examples of how natural systems can recover more quickly. Parks are a great thing to put in a flood prone area….tennis court is full of dried mud, a few muddy places … Read more and see pictures
Passiac River Flooding thru Paterson and Fairlawn, NJ

Paddled down the Passiac thru Paterson just as it was coming down. Though I saw (and shot) a few flooding homes mostly I saw inconvenience, not destruction, with streets blocked off, parks, yards and swimming pools flooding. When floodplains contain … Read more and see pictures
Surviving Irene

We have survived. As we live only a block from the tidal part of the Hackensack River so our area had a voluntary evacuation….a voluntary evacuation? What’s the difference between that and a vacation? We did move the car out … Read more and see pictures
Delaware River with HRCKC

On Saturday, August 13th, quite a few of us intreprid souls met at the Water Gap….we first convoyed up to Worthington State Park a few miles (and that one darn 3 minute stoplight), spent a while unloading, convoyed down to … Read more and see pictures
Ramapo River with Hackensack Canoe and Kayak Club

On June 25th 5 intrepid souls joined me for a little trip down the Ramapo. On Wednesday several inches of rain in an hour or so had pushed the gauges up above 4000 cfs (flood stage) but by Friday morning … Read more and see pictures
Pinkster Fest: A Colonial Celebration of Spring

Bergen County Historical Society’s “Pinkster,” a Colonial celebration of summer’s arrival at Historic New Bridge Landing, River Edge. Benjamin Donson with his son Julio Valle and Jim Norman met me in Hackensack’s Johnson Park. Ben and Julio paddled Jim’s wooden … Read more and see pictures
Canoe Trip on the Musky

November 2010 canoe trip down the Muscunetong River in Western Jersey with the Hackensack River Canoe and Kayak Club….for once, actually just the canoe club….a little swiftwater, a turkey, the usual. For once it didn’t rain, though it could have … Read more and see pictures