Doing Good for Thanksgiving

Maybe not the most exciting shoots, but the weekend before thanksgiving I shot a couple of groups trying to do good.

Goody Bags for the Troops was putting together decorated paper bags to send to the troops overseas. Congressman Scott Garrett showed up and worked along side the volunteers (which is more then you can say for this photographer).

The Annual River Edge Turkey drive at St. Peter’s RC church collected a phenomenal amount of food. Kudos to all the people from the parish and community who dropped of food. 

Yea, a little late getting it up but a busy week….

Hackensack Supply wasn’t the most stunning place to shoot,  but at least what little light there was even. Folks were nice…sorry I had to run to get the full truck at the turkey  drive.

About Tom Hart

North Jersey and New York City photographer, web designer and developer that helps organizations get noticed.. Learn more Tom Hart .
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